The Luxe Lash Life Podcast

Behind the Scenes of LashCon: How the Lash Industry’s Most Influential Conference Came to Be

Lashcast Podcast host LashCon, a Lash Conference of Lash Artists

April 22, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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Okay, let’s get into it—this episode is a must-listen if you’re a lash artist, beauty lover, or just someone curious about how the biggest lash conference came to life. We recorded this chat in 2021, and while some things have evolved (check the updated links below), the heart of it remains the same: LashCon is the event in the lash world.

We’re talking with Paul and Tuss from LashCast Podcast, and they spill all the tea on what it really takes to organize a game-changing lash conference. Spoiler: it’s a lot more than picking out cute swag bags.

The Lashies: Celebrating Lash Excellence at LashCon

Let’s talk about The Lashies—the awards that celebrate the best of the best in the lash world. And honestly? If you haven’t thought about applying, you totally should. Here’s why:

  • No matter your size, you can win. Whether you’re a solo lash artist or run a busy salon, The Lashies are here for you

  • Your story matters. It doesn’t have to be glamorous or epic—overcoming everyday challenges is what makes you a rockstar. The judges want to hear it!

  • What’s the harm? Seriously, what’s to lose? Applying will not only push you to reflect on your journey but also give you that boost of confidence to keep leveling up.

Remember: It’s not just about having a fancy studio or a giant following. It’s about passion, perseverance, and creativity. So whether you’re rocking it solo or managing a whole team, you’ve got what it takes!

The Birth of LashCon: Where Business Meets Lashes

Now, back to LashCon. Paul and Tuss noticed that most beauty conferences were missing something crucial—business education. Yeah, we all want to perfect our lash game and rack up followers, but what about the other side of things? You know, running a successful business?

That’s where LashCon comes in. Paul and Tuss wanted to create a space where lash artists could learn the ins and outs of not just their craft but also the things that make a business thrive—customer service, hiring, training, and all that good stuff.

Why did they do it?
Because being an amazing lash artist is only half the battle. LashCon is designed to help you become a savvy business owner, too. Whether it’s growing your clientele, launching your own product line, or finally hiring that extra pair of hands, LashCon equips you with the tools to make it happen. And let’s not forget about the connections! It’s like a giant playground for lashpreneurs, full of networking opportunities and collaborations that could change your game.

Why You Need to Be at LashCon

Seriously, if you’re even thinking about leveling up your lash business, LashCon is where you need to be. It’s packed with value—not just for lash artists but for anyone looking to grow their business. Here’s a taste of what you’ll get:

  • It’s more than just lashes: LashCon is a one-stop shop for everything from marketing to branding to networking. It’s like business school, but way more fun.

  • Tailored learning: No boring one-size-fits-all talks here. You’ll find sessions on exactly what you need to grow—whether that’s managing your staff, leveling up your customer service, or perfecting your personal brand.

  • Don’t worry about FOMO: Can’t make it to every session? LashCon has your back with live-streaming, so you can catch up on any sessions you miss.

Behind the Scenes: How LashCon Comes Together

It’s easy to think of LashCon as just a big event, but let me tell you—it’s so much more. Paul and Tuss work on this thing year-round, pouring their hearts and souls into making every detail unforgettable. From themed parties (we’re talking extra) to live brand face-offs, every moment of LashCon is designed to wow you.

But it’s not just about the glitz and glam. The real magic? The connections. LashCon brings people together in the most beautiful way. You know that feeling when you meet someone who just gets it? That’s what LashCon is all about.

I remember standing in line at one of the events, watching strangers become friends, sharing stories, hugging, laughing… it was like a giant family reunion, but for lash artists. And that’s exactly what Paul and Tuss wanted—an event where people don’t just attend, they connect.

Why LashCon Is Special

Paul and Tuss wanted to create a space where you can let your guard down, be yourself, and grow both professionally and personally. Sure, they’ve faced their challenges—COVID, the Lash Cruise cancellation, transitioning out of salon life—but they’ve always kept their eyes on the bigger picture: creating a supportive, tight-knit community where everyone feels welcome.

What’s Next for You?

If you’re thinking, “Okay, how do I get in on this?” we’ve got you covered! Whether you’re just starting out in the lash industry or you’ve been around the block, LashCon offers something for everyone. Don’t miss your chance to learn, grow, and connect with the best in the biz.


Lashcon Tickets and Speaker Schedule

LashCast Podcast

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