The Luxe Lash Life Podcast

Welcome to The Lash Pro Podcast: Your Lash Business School

Cover of the Lash Pro Podcast featuring an eyelash extension artist taking pictures of her client using Lash Assist Pro

April 22, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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Hey lash artists! If you’re here, you’re probably thinking, “Wait, another lash podcast?” Yep, and let me tell you—it’s one you won’t want to miss!

Welcome to The Lash Pro Podcast, where we cover everything you didn’t get in your lash training but definitely need to build a successful lash business. Whether you’re fresh out of lash school or have years of experience, there’s always something new to learn in this ever-changing industry. Trust me—being a lifelong learner is how you’ll keep growing and thriving!

Why You Should Listen to The Lash Pro Podcast

Here’s the deal: things in the lash world are constantly evolving. New techniques, products, client trends—it’s a lot to keep up with! But here’s the secret: the more you allow yourself to be a student, the farther you’ll go. That’s where The Lash Pro Podcast comes in.

Think of it as the business school for lash artists that you didn’t get with your last certification course. We go beyond the lash techniques and dive into the business strategies, client management tips, and marketing know-how that’ll help you run a profitable and sustainable lash business.

What We Cover on The Lash Pro Podcast

So, what exactly can you expect from the podcast? Every episode is packed with real-world advice and actionable tips that you can put to use right away. From building your client base to pricing your services with confidence, this podcast is here to help you level up in all areas of your lash business.

Here’s a little sneak peek of some topics we’ll dive into:

  • Building a Strong Clientele: How to get clients that love your work and keep coming back for more.
  • Social Media Strategies: Marketing tips specifically for lash artists—because your work deserves to be seen!
  • Pricing for Profit: Why you should stop undercharging and start valuing your skills.
  • Growing Your Lash Business: Whether it’s expanding your studio or hiring staff, we’ll talk about how to scale your business sustainably.

Why Hit Subscribe?

Because you’re not just a lash artist—you’re also a business owner. And let’s be honest, the business side of things isn’t always covered in lash training, right? This podcast will fill in those gaps and give you the tools you need to grow your business confidently.

Each episode is like a mini business class, designed to give you practical steps you can take to see real results. And the best part? You can listen while you lash, commute, or unwind after a long day.

So hit subscribe and don’t miss a single class. The more you learn, the more you’ll grow. Let’s take your lash business to the next level—together!

xox Neelam Kaur

Tune into the latest episode: The Luxe Lash Life Podcast

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The Luxe Lash Life Podcast

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