The Luxe Lash Life Podcast

How to Make More Money in Your Beauty Business with Online Courses (ft Kelly Callaghan from Beauty Business Babes)

Beauty Business Babes Podcast Kelly Ann Callaghan

April 24, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
TOp categories

What are you doing other than just lashing? When you’re lashing your trading time for money – have you ever thought of starting a passive stream of income? 

What will you do if there’s another shutdown? Have you ever thought of online training?

Today’s episode is an exclusive recording from the Elevate Lash Beauty Conference talking about how you can start thinking up and ways to create sources of income without trading your time for money. 

Kelly Ann Callaghan from Beauty Business Babes talks about how you can level up your business by pivoting into online training. 

If you think it’s too early for you, you might think differently by the end of the podcast. 

Kelly is a beauty industry wizard who started a spray tan business with $0 and turned it into a six figure business! 

She has trained thousands of women and now hosts marketing and inspirational conferences like the Wake Up to Level Up conference. 

You can always reach out to her on her Instagram

Episode Notes

How can you make more money in the beauty business with online courses?

  • You can create online courses to not just reach nationally but also on an international level. 
  • You have to create the online course once, and then marketing it and ensuring that the course was the best in its respective field, you can create a steady income source for yourself.
  • This will give you the opportunity to work from home too!
  • Going online, you can go beyond simply trading time for money with clients on a one-to-one basis. With online training, you can reach a lot more people not just nationally but internationally as well. 
  • By pivoting your business online, you can grow a lot more. It will give you the opportunity to feel truly fulfilled in your business. 

What are the benefits of creating an online training program for beauty?

  • By taking your business online, you have the freedom of time.
  • You can grow your business worldwide and increase your clientele and your audience.
  • You can create more impact in the beauty business by helping people change their lives.

Why should you create an online course?

  • You have to create an online course once, and you can make the changes and improvements as you go. You can also make small changes based on the audience feedback. 
  • You can make money as you sleep as people on the other side of the world are taking your online courses. 
  • Branch out beyond your core business and create additional courses like marketing courses or inspirational courses or anything else you’re good at. This will attract additional clients to your business.
  • Online instructors are earning $555 million, so get a piece of that pie! 

What can I do to support my audience and serve them better? How to create an impact through my beauty course so it changes people’s lives for the better?

There are 3 easy steps on how you can align online to get started:

  1. Course concept, creating the idea
  2. Creating the course itself, making the manuals and videos 
  3. Putting it online and marketing it…

What are tips on beauty course conception?

So when creating the course concept, here are 4 things to keep in mind:

  1. What are you really really good at? Or what are you passionate about and you can get good at it with practice and training. 
  2. What do you actually like to do? Simply chasing the money is not a long term goal. You need to be lit up and passionate about it so you can keep doing it for years to come. It should be sustainable. 
  3. Do people actually need it? Ask them on different social media about it and do some research, like asking people in your Lash community. 
  4. Will people pay for it? If it’s something people need, they will pay for it. 

Are there any tips on creating the course?

  • When creating the course, you shouldn’t think about yourself, but essentially, think about your clients and understand what their problems are in the industry and find ways to solve their problems.
  • Talk about what type of transformation your clients are looking for. Remember, you’re selling the change your course will bring into their lives from your online course.
  • Be brave enough to start, and be ready to take the risks. Don’t worry about the end picture, start with the first step!
  • Have the insatiable desire to create impact for your clients. When creating the course, think about what your clients will get when they take your course. Create a rapport with them through your course. 
  • Always be open to feedback and adjust your program accordingly. 
  • Take the time to learn how to make manuals and video editing tools so you don’t have to pay others for doing this. You can hire freelancers on Upwork and Fiverr to do this work if you’re not comfortable doing these on your own.

How to get your courses online and market them?

  • This can be scary for a lot of people, especially the tech part. But it is not as hard as you may think. You can learn this on Teachable, Thinkific, or Learndash. 
  • You can market your course by doing collaborations and going on podcasts and speaking about your expertise. You can also do email marketing and social media marketing. 

Why is it important to have online courses?

  • Your vision for anything has to be stronger than your fear. Having online courses will create a steady income source for you even if there is another lockdown. 
  • It’s a low investment opportunity for you to create an online course and keep on tweaking it as you go. Imagine just spending $2000 and profiting more than $400,000 in the next few years!

How can you help? 

  • If you wish to take this journey and start an online course, you can join the 4-week Align Online program. It will give you the opportunity to learn how to:
    • Come up with a course topic 
    • Going through the course creation
    • How to put it online
    • How to launch your course and market it on a consistent basis

The program is designed to be super simple, making the tech stuff easy to understand. You also get 24/7 support so you can create high quality and high value courses. 

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