The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

Work-Life Balance for Makeup Artists: Stop Overthinking and Know Your Worth

brampton bride at her wedding with hair and makeup by dmg designz

April 24, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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Hey makeup artists! We’ve all been there—feeling overwhelmed, working long hours, and struggling to balance our personal and professional lives. In this episode, I sit down with my best friend and bridal hair magician, Darick Gangaram (aka Mr. DMG), to chat about finding work-life balance, setting boundaries, and trusting your instincts as a creative. If you’ve ever felt like overthinking is holding you back or you’re unsure when to say no, you’re going to love this one!

Dmg Designz Hair Stylist, Darick Gangaram, spraying the finishing touches on his brides beautiful hair style in Brampton


Trust Your Instincts: Embrace Your Creativity as a Makeup Artist

When you’re creating a new look, it’s easy to get stuck in your head, worrying if it’s good enough. But here’s the truth—you’re an artist, and your instincts are powerful! Instead of constantly second-guessing or throwing money at every new training, take time to play, experiment, and refine your style. Of course, investing in the right education matters too, but don’t forget: your creativity is your most valuable tool.

Overthinking? It’s Time to Let Go and Find Your Flow

We’ve all been guilty of overthinking our work, but the reality is that it can seriously drain your time and energy. Darick’s advice? Stop overthinking your makeup work and trust the process. You can always make adjustments later. When you stop striving for perfection and just go with the flow, you’ll find more joy in what you do—and your results will still shine.

Know When to Work for Free (and When Not To!)

Ah, the big question—when is it okay to work for free? Darick and I dig deep into this one. Sometimes, offering your services without charge can open doors, especially if you’re breaking into a new industry or have full creative control. But here’s the key: know your worth and charge when appropriate. Your time and skills are valuable, so only offer freebies when it truly benefits your career.

Setting Boundaries: The Key to Work-Life Balance for Makeup Artists

As makeup artists, we love what we do, but that doesn’t mean we have to be on call 24/7. Setting boundaries is crucial for maintaining a healthy work-life balance. Darick shares his top tip: schedule specific times for client emails and correspondence. This way, you’re not constantly glued to your phone or overwhelmed by work tasks when you should be relaxing. Boundaries aren’t just good for you—they help your clients understand and respect your time.

Self-Care and Avoiding Autopilot: Remember Why You Started

Let’s be real—sometimes we get stuck in autopilot mode, just going through the motions. In this episode, Darick and I talk about the importance of self-care and why taking time for yourself is key to staying inspired. Remembering why you started, reconnecting with your passion, and making space for joy in your life outside of work will help you feel refreshed and ready to take on your next project with energy.

Important Links

Audio Bookmarks:

2:00 – How Mr. DMG Came to Be
5:19 – Being Self-Taught vs. Taking Courses
8:22 – Overthinking the End Results
10:40 – Working for Free and Knowing Your Worth
14:58 – Balance, Setting Client Boundaries, and Your Own Work Boundaries
22:36 – Self-Care, Pulling Yourself Out of Autopilot, and Knowing What You’re Living For

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