The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

How to Grow your Makeup Artist Business during a Slow Season

how to grow your bridal makeup business

April 26, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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Hey, Bridal MUAS 🥰 Can we talk about the ups and downs of our makeup business? Every year, we hit that magical, high-energy bridal season, but once it wraps up, we’re often left wondering—what’s next? Let’s not waste this golden downtime! I’m diving into what I’m doing to grow my makeup business during the slow season, and spoiler alert: it’s not all about hustle, hustle, hustle.

Here’s a rundown of what I’m up to and how you can use the off-season to grow your makeup business (while still taking time for yourself!):

  • Creative client gift ideas (because who doesn’t love a thoughtful surprise?)

  • Fun promotions like a “12 Days of Christmas” campaign

  • How to increase bridal inquiries for the next season

  • Strategies for booking more of the looks YOU want for 2023

If you find these tips helpful, I’d love to hear from you! DM me on @thebridalbeautybusiness and let’s chat! 💬

Client Appreciation Gifts to Grow Your Bridal Makeup Business During the Slow Season

First up, let’s talk about showing a little love to your clients. You’ve worked hard all year, so let your clients know how much you appreciate them. Simple, thoughtful gestures can make all the difference, especially during quieter months.

Think of sending personalized holiday cards, mini makeup kits, or even an exclusive discount for their next bridal trial. Small investments in client appreciation can turn one-time brides into lifetime clients (or referrals to their friends!).

Embrace the Slow Bridal Makeup Season to Grow your Skills

Let’s be real—there’s a beauty in slower seasons if we choose to see it. Use this time to sharpen your skills and grow your business from the inside out. Instead of stressing about fewer bookings, focus on long-term growth.

Whether that means diving into online makeup workshops, fine-tuning your favorite bridal looks, or getting more comfortable with that winged eyeliner you’ve been putting off—invest in yourself. This is your season to learn, grow, and master new techniques that will set you apart when things pick up again.

Niche Down and Know Your Worth

Here’s a biggie: find your niche and OWN it. Standing out in the bridal industry is key to booking the clients you actually want to work with. Are you the queen of natural glam, or are you known for bold, editorial bridal looks?

Whatever your niche is, focus on attracting clients who love that about you. Get clear on what sets you apart—your vibe, your personality, your signature style. It’s the key to growing a business that feels aligned and fulfilling, even when it’s not the busy season.

Prioritize Self-Care and Set Boundaries

Okay, confession time: I’ve been that makeup artist who’s so busy taking care of everyone else that I forget about myself. Sound familiar? Self-care isn’t just a buzzword, it’s ESSENTIAL—especially during the slow season.

Use this time to reflect, rest, and reset your creative flow. Set boundaries with your work hours, recharge your energy, and make time for things that fill you up. Burnout isn’t cute, and you deserve to thrive, not just survive!

Grow Your Bridal Business’ Online Presence During the Slow Season

Social media can be a GAME-CHANGER during the slow season. Why? It’s your digital storefront. Use these slower months to give your Instagram a glow-up, showcase your best work, and connect with your dream clients.

Share behind-the-scenes footage from bridal trials, post those stunning before-and-afters, and don’t forget to engage! Instagram Stories, Reels, and Lives are a fantastic way to let people into your world and keep your name front and center, even during the off-season.

Cultivate Strong Client Relationships

Client relationships are the heartbeat of our business. During the slow season, go above and beyond for your current clients. Check-in, send personalized thank you notes, or offer an exclusive holiday discount. Happy clients = more referrals = a full calendar next season.

Collaborate and Network

Even when things slow down, you can still grow your business through strategic collaborations. Team up with local wedding vendors—think hairstylists, photographers, and florists—and collaborate on styled shoots or social media projects. It’s a win-win for both parties, and it’s a fun way to create content that expands your audience.

Network both online and IRL. Join bridal forums, Facebook groups, or virtual networking events to stay connected with industry peers. When things get busy again, you’ll already have a solid network in place to fast-track your success.

Plan Ahead and Stay Flexible

Yes, planning ahead is critical, but so is rolling with the punches! A flexible business plan will allow you to adapt quickly to changes (hello, last-minute bridal bookings!).

During the slow season, focus on your 2023 goals. What bridal trends are you excited to work with? Who do you want to collaborate with? Get clear on your vision, but leave space for spontaneity, too.

There you have it, loves! These are my tried-and-true strategies for growing your bridal makeup business during a slow season. Embrace the downtime, invest in yourself, and use these months as an opportunity to build a stronger, more sustainable beauty business.

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The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

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