The Luxe Lash Life Podcast

How to Become a Successful Lash Trainer: Tips from Lash Educator Liz Bussey

lash trainer and educator program liz bussey

June 21, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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If you’re a seasoned lash artist and you’re itching to share your skills with the next generation of lash techs, it might be time to think about stepping into the role of a lash trainer. Today, we’re diving deep into the world of lash training with Liz Bussey, the brains behind Principles of Lash Artistry (POLA). Liz has been killing it in the lash industry since 2012, and her journey from lash tech to award-winning lash trainer is truly inspiring.

Why Lash Training is a Game-Changer for Lash Artists

Whether you’re looking to supplement your income or want to make a full-time career out of training, becoming a lash trainer is an exciting new avenue. Liz shares her tips on what it takes to transition from a lash artist to a successful educator, and why this shift can completely change the game for your business. It’s not just about applying lashes anymore—it’s about mentoring and helping others master the art of lashes.

Liz’s Journey: From Lash Tech to Award-Winning Lash Trainer

Liz’s story is nothing short of impressive. Starting as a lash artist in 2012, she quickly made a name for herself, winning top spots at major competitions like Lash Wars and the RCLC. But it wasn’t just the accolades that drove her—it was her passion for teaching. In 2016, she made the leap from lash tech to educator, and today, she runs the Principles of Lash Artistry program, helping others step into the role of lash trainers.

How Lash Competitions Can Boost Your Lash Career

One of Liz’s biggest tips for growing as a lash artist? Compete! Competitions like Lash Wars are an incredible way to get feedback on your skills. Liz explains that even though competing can be nerve-wracking, it’s also an amazing learning opportunity. Her advice? Don’t focus on winning—focus on improving. By entering competitions, you’ll gain valuable insights that will make you a stronger lash artist and an even better lash trainer down the road.

Essential Steps to Becoming a Lash Trainer

If you’re serious about making the jump from lash artist to lash trainer, here are the key steps Liz recommends:

  1. Invest in Proper Education
    You need to be more than just a great artist—you need to know how to teach. Enrolling in a lash educator program like NALA’s certification course is crucial. It will give you the foundational knowledge you need to create a structured and effective lash extension course.

  2. Understand Different Learning Styles
    Not all students learn the same way. Some are more hands-on, while others might need more theory and instruction. Liz emphasizes the importance of adapting your teaching style to fit the needs of each individual student.

  3. Be Patient and Communicate Effectively
    Teaching is not just about demonstrating; it’s about guiding and mentoring. You’ll need the patience to explain things multiple times and the communication skills to make sure your students feel empowered.

  4. Time Management is Key
    Balancing your work as a lash artist with training can be tricky. If you’re fully booked with clients, you may need to scale back your lash appointments to make room for teaching. It’s a whole new commitment, and it’s important to manage your time effectively.

  5. Build Your Reputation as a Lash Trainer
    Word-of-mouth referrals are a huge part of being a successful lash trainer. Deliver high-quality education and create memorable experiences for your students. Your reputation will grow, and so will your business.

What Makes a Great Lash Extension Course?

Creating a standout lash extension course involves more than just teaching lash application. According to Liz, a successful course should cover both the theoretical and practical sides of lashing. Here are some must-haves for any lash training program:

  • Accredited Curriculum: Make sure your course meets industry standards. Liz’s POLA program partners with NALA to ensure that students receive top-tier training.

  • Comprehensive Materials: Provide detailed manuals, video tutorials, and templates to help your students succeed.

  • Ongoing Support: Your role as a trainer doesn’t end after the course. Offer continued mentorship and support to help your students grow and build their careers.

The POLA Program: A Done-for-You Lash Trainer Solution

Liz’s Principles of Lash Artistry (POLA) program is designed for aspiring lash trainers who want to hit the ground running. POLA offers a complete solution for setting up your lash technician training business, including:

  • 215-page Manual and Online Platform: POLA provides all the course materials you need, from lash theory to practical applications.

  • NALA Accreditation: By partnering with NALA, POLA ensures that your training program meets the highest industry standards.

  • Templates and Contracts: No need to create everything from scratch. POLA gives you ready-made contracts, email scripts, and templates so you can focus on teaching.

  • Ongoing Mentorship: Liz doesn’t just leave you to figure things out on your own—she provides hands-on support to ensure your success as a lash trainer.

Is Lash Training Right for You?

Before you jump into lash training, ask yourself these important questions:

  • Can you guide students without taking over?
  • Are you patient and able to communicate effectively?
  • Do you have the time to balance teaching with your current lash business?
  • Do you enjoy helping others succeed and grow?

If you answered yes, then lash training might be the perfect next step for you!

Ready to Become a Lash Trainer?

If you’re feeling inspired to become a lash trainer and ready to take the plunge, Liz’s POLA program could be exactly what you need. With comprehensive materials, mentorship, and accreditation through NALA, you’ll have everything you need to start your own lash training course.

Whether you’re looking to grow your business or simply love the idea of mentoring others, becoming a lash trainer is a fulfilling and profitable career move.

More of Liz:

Special Offer: Use the code LUXE250 to get $250 OFF POLA’s Done-for-You Lash Training Programs!

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  1. Liz Bussey says:

    This was such a fun episode to take part in! I loved every moment of it and you made it so easy to open up and just chat about all things lashes, and life 🥳

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