The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

Welcome to The Bridal Beauty Podcast

indian bridal makeup artist on a wedding decor set in ottawa

April 24, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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Hey there, welcome!

If you’ve made it this far- this is the podcast for YOU!

A podcast to help you with all the things I struggled with, wish I knew or wish someone could have helped me with. 

Changing cities, leaving behind an established beauty business, having a baby and starting all over again in a city where I knew NO ONE – it’s definitely had its ups and downs. 

I first focused on setting up my Lash Studio because there were more mentors willing to share their knowledge and experiences on making things work without wanting anything in return and now – I want to do for the Bridal Beauty industry, what the Lash industry did for me


Neelam Kaur

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On the Air

The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

Tired of one line messages asking “what do you charge?” Forget competing on price, it’s time to niche down and know your worth. This podcast was created for you, to help you grow your bridal business so you can get the clients you WANT, do the work you LOVE and charge the rates you DESERVE!

LIsten in
on the air

The Luxe Lash Life Podcast

You got your lash certification - woohoo! But now what?
Before you go spend hours trying to find clients on Instagram, setting your rates based on other artists in your area or offering crazy discounts that get you crazy clients that you don't need in your business - grab a seat.

tune in now