The Luxe Lash Life Podcast

How to Increase your Lash Income and Decrease your Hours with the Happiness System (ft Karen Martiz of Lash Blvd)

how to make more money as a lash artist stylist tech

April 24, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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Karen Martiz started off as a single mum, struggling to pay bills and be there for her kids when they needed to be picked up from school early. She decided this couldn’t be it and She was determined to create a life for herself that allowed her the flexibility to spend more time with her kids and not have to worry about just making ends meet. 

She now owns a 7 figure online business that empowers women to create success so they can support themselves AND thrive and independent lash artists: Lash Blvd and Lash Like a Pro 

In today’s episode Karen breaks down how you can implement the lash happiness system into your lash + beauty business and we also discuss how to increase how much money you’re taking home and decrease the amount of hours you’re spending in the salon. 

Episode Notes

  • We didn’t get into business to work 60-80 hours a week, sometimes we have to but that’s not the end goal – Figure out how many hours per day you want to work, how many days a week and the income you want to take home at the end of the month. Price yourself accordingly 

  • If you have 3 clients booked for the day, calculate your sale value for the day and see how much more you need to “sell” to get to your ideal daily goal. What services or products can you add-on to these clients to get you there?

  • Selling doesn’t have to be painful, change your perspective. You’re adding VALUE to your customers that are already there to have you make them feel beautiful – you’re just making them feel MORE beautiful <3 

Upsell ideas for lash artists:

  1. Eyebrow waxing + threading
  2. Eyebrow tinting 
  3. Lip exfoliating treatment finished with a collagen lip masks (linked here)*
  4. Take home lip treatment kit is an easy upsell after the in-studio treatment 
  5. Under Eye collagen masks (massage, place mask for 2-3 mins, massage, eye cream)
  6. Dermaplanning 

  • It’s all in the way you present it. “Do you want your brows done too?” vs “I notice you have some stray hairs, do you want me to clean that up while you’re here. I can shape them and make them look really pretty” You’re not selling the brow wax – you’re selling the end result (making her look great). “If we tint your brows after we wax them, you won’t have to fill them in anymore either” You’re service total just went from a lash fill only to a lash + brow wax + brow tint 

  • It’s not about the sell, it’s about the story and the results 

  • If you don’t offer it, or they don’t know you offer it – your client is going to look for it somewhere else. This also makes you more valuable and more difficult to replace by another service provider 

  • Plan what service/product you’d like to upsell your lash client to get you to your goal income for the day and what you need to say to sell it. At the end of the service pre-book your client for their fill PLUS any additional services they may be interested in. Then rate yourself on a scale of 1 to 5 on how happy you made your client! Do this every single day for each and every client. 

  • Attract the clients that pay you well by being really great at what you do.

  • Even a small rate increase of 10% is still 10% per client and can add $30-$50 per day to your total income 

  • If you’re intimidated to sell, you can always offer it as a complimentary treat to your lash client first and then ask them if they’d like to add it on to their next fill once they’ve tried it 🙂 

  • Getting the most out of every client, in a way that your helping them feel and look more beautiful, is how your business will grow 

Quick Disclosure: Some of these links happen to be affiliate links which means when you click the link to purchase something on this page, it won’t cost you more but I may receive a commission for sharing this with you. Which is great, because I was going to share it with you anyway!
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The Luxe Lash Life Podcast

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