The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

How to Build Your Personal Brand and Overcome Fear (ft. Sheila Bella of Pretty Rich Inc.)

Sheila Bella, founder of Pretty Rich Inc., sharing tips on building a personal brand for makeup artists.

April 24, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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💄Hey, beauty bosses! 💄 If you’re ready to start building your personal brand and overcome fear, today’s episode with the incredible Sheila Bella is exactly what you need. Sheila is one of the most inspiring women in the beauty industry, having built a multi-million-dollar business from the ground up in just three years! 🌟

But what’s truly amazing about Sheila is how she’s using her success to help other beauty pros, like you, overcome self-doubt and take control of your brand and business. Today, we dive into how makeup artists can create meaningful Instagram content, build a personal brand that truly reflects who they are, and stop letting fear hold them back. If you’re ready to take your business to the next level, this one’s for you! 💕

Sheila’s Journey: From Zero to Multi-Million Dollar Success

Sheila’s story is a testament to what’s possible when you commit to your passion and stop letting fear call the shots. She didn’t come from wealth or marry into it—she started with nothing and built a multi-million-dollar empire in just three years. Talk about inspirational, right? 🎉

What sets Sheila apart is her determination and belief in the power of taking risks, even when things feel uncertain. She reminds us that the biggest rewards come when we step out of our comfort zone and start showing up for our dreams, even if we feel nervous or unsure.

Stop Playing Small: Embrace the Fear and Take Risks

One of the key takeaways from our conversation is that if you want to stand out in the beauty industry, you have to stop playing small. So many makeup artists are held back by fear—fear of failure, fear of looking foolish, or fear of stepping outside the box.

But Sheila’s advice? Stop overthinking it! Focus on the reward instead of the risk. You can’t achieve big things without being willing to take some chances, and the truth is, no path is without risks. It’s all about having that entrepreneurial spirit and diving in even when you’re scared. 💥

Creating Meaningful Instagram Content for Makeup Artists

Let’s be honest—Instagram can feel like a full-time job, especially when you’re not sure what to post, or you’re in a slow season. Sheila shared some seriously actionable tips for creating content that connects with your audience and builds your personal brand, even when you’re not in the middle of bridal season.

Here are a few of her top tips for Instagram success:

  • Show the Real You: Your audience wants to see the person behind the brushes! Whether it’s a behind-the-scenes look at your workspace or a morning skincare routine, showing your authentic self helps build trust and connection with your followers.

  • Client Testimonials: Video testimonials are gold! Your clients’ happiness speaks louder than anything you could say yourself. Share their experiences to build social proof.

  • Tutorials and Tips: Even when you’re not working on clients, create tutorials or try out new looks. It keeps your content fresh and gives your followers something valuable.

  • Inspire with Positivity: Inspirational content is super powerful. People love positivity, and your uplifting posts can turn someone’s day around. 🌟

Sheila even has a free 30-day social media guide to help you keep your Instagram content flowing, especially during quieter times. 📝

Why Building a Personal Brand is Key for Makeup Artists

In the beauty industry, having a strong personal brand is a game-changer. It’s no longer enough to just be good at what you do—your clients need to connect with you on a personal level. Sheila talks about how building a personal brand allows you to create a lasting impact. When you’re the face of your brand, you can build loyalty, trust, and excitement that goes way beyond just offering makeup services💖

Your personal brand is all about YOU. It’s about sharing your story, your personality, and your expertise in a way that resonates with your audience. And the best part? Once you have a strong personal brand, you can sell just about anything—from makeup products to online courses and everything in between!

Scaling Your Business with Your Personal Brand

Sheila reminds us that once you’ve built a strong foundation with your personal brand, the sky’s the limit. There are so many ways to scale your business beyond just offering in-person services. Whether you want to launch your own line of products, create online courses, or become a content creator with a YouTube channel, the possibilities are endless when people connect with YOU.

The more you show up authentically, the more your audience will trust you—and that’s the secret to scaling your business to new heights. 🚀

Overcoming Self-Doubt and Building Confidence

Self-doubt is something every beauty pro deals with at some point. Whether it’s feeling like you’re not good enough or worrying about how you’ll be perceived, it can stop you from reaching your full potential. But Sheila’s advice is simple: Don’t let fear hold you back.

The truth is, even the most successful people experience self-doubt. The difference is, they keep moving forward despite the fear. Sheila encourages makeup artists to take small steps. Start by introducing yourself on Instagram, posting short videos, and letting your audience get to know you. 📲 Little by little, you’ll feel more confident showing up, and soon enough, self-doubt won’t stand a chance.

Consistency is Key

Sheila also reminds us that consistency is everything when building a personal brand. Whether you’re posting on Instagram, creating tutorials, or building relationships with clients, showing up regularly is what will set you apart from other artists.

And don’t worry if you’re not constantly creating new content. Sometimes, repurposing older content or sharing behind-the-scenes moments can keep your feed active and engaging. It’s all about staying present in your audience’s mind💡

Final Thoughts: Build a Personal Brand that Reflects You

At the end of the day, your personal brand should reflect who you are and what you love. It’s not about following trends or doing what everyone else is doing—it’s about being unapologetically YOU. 🌸 Sheila’s journey from zero to multi-million-dollar success is proof that when you show up authentically and overcome fear, incredible things can happen.

If you’re ready to stop playing small and start building the beauty business of your dreams, this episode is a must-listen!

Important Links:

Audio Bookmarks:

03:12 – Sheila’s Journey: From Scratch to Success
08:35 – Taking Risks to Grow Your Business
14:20 – Creating Meaningful Instagram Content
18:50 – The Power of Building a Personal Brand
22:45 – Overcoming Self-Doubt and Building Confidence
28:10 – Consistency and Showing Up Regularly

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