The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

How to Create your Signature Bridal Look ft @AKMakeup1

Anna Karapetyan akmakeup1 Bridal Hair & Makeup/ Educator Based in South Florida Boca Raton

April 24, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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Have you been scrolling through Instagram, wondering if having a signature bridal makeup look could help you stand out and book more brides? You’re not alone!

In this episode, I sit down with Bridal Beauty Specialist and Educator Anna Karapetyan of AK Makeup & Hair to discuss the importance of finding your signature bridal look. Whether you’re just starting out or looking to refine your skills, Anna’s journey from working in a spa to building a successful bridal beauty business is full of valuable insights for makeup artists at any stage.

Anna Karapetyan, founder of AK Makeup & Hair, discussing how to create a signature bridal makeup look

Anna didn’t start out as a makeup expert—she began by picking up a job at a spa to fund her education, but quickly discovered her true passion lay in making others feel beautiful. After teaching herself hair and makeup, she launched AK Makeup & Hair, and the rest is history.

During our chat, Anna shares her tips on:

  • How to gain confidence as a makeup artist, even if you’re new to the industry.

  • Whether you need to master both hair and makeup to succeed as a bridal makeup artist.

  • When and how to open your first studio space.

  • Why having a signature bridal makeup look matters.

  • The difference an admin assistant can make in running your bridal makeup business.

Do You Need a Signature Bridal Makeup Look?

If you’ve been debating whether you need to have a signature bridal makeup style, the answer is yes—and no. Anna explains that while it’s important to have versatility as a makeup artist, developing a signature look can help you stand out.

A signature bridal look is not just about one particular makeup style; it’s about your personal artistry coming through in every application. It’s your “handwriting,” the way you create a polished, timeless finish that keeps clients coming back for more. When brides see your work, they should be able to recognize it as yours.

But don’t feel boxed in by one style! Offer clients options, but let your unique touch shine through each look. This versatility allows you to create multiple looks while still maintaining that signature style that makes you stand out.

Building Confidence and Getting Experience as a Makeup Artist

How do you get more comfortable and confident when you’re just starting out? Anna recommends finding opportunities that allow you to practice on a variety of skin tones and types. Spas and retail jobs are great places to start because they give you hands-on experience while building your confidence.

If you’re trying to master both hair and makeup, self-education is key. There are countless resources out there—makeup tutorials, online courses, and peer groups—that can help you grow your skills. Put in the time to practice, and when you need more guidance, invest in professional education or find a mentor.

Should You Offer Both Bridal Hair and Makeup?

From a client’s perspective, it can be beneficial to offer both services. Brides love convenience, and being able to book both their hair and makeup with one artist makes the process smoother. However, it’s important to ask yourself if you’re equally passionate and skilled in both areas. If not, don’t be afraid to specialize and partner with a talented hair stylist or makeup artist to offer a full package.

When Is the Right Time to Open Your Own Makeup Studio?

Opening your own studio can be a big decision, but it’s also an exciting step in building your bridal makeup business. You’ll know you’re ready when it makes sense financially and when you feel the need for a professional space to meet clients, host trials, and work on larger projects.

When choosing a studio space, think about your priorities: proximity to key bridal vendors, parking, natural light, and overall atmosphere. The space should reflect your brand and be a place where both you and your clients feel comfortable.

How an Admin Assistant Can Help Your Bridal Makeup Business

Managing bookings, client inquiries, and schedules can become overwhelming, especially as your bridal business grows. Anna highly recommends hiring an admin assistant or virtual assistant to help manage the day-to-day tasks. Set up templates for emails and inquiries, create a system for booking and follow-ups, and let your assistant take over some of the logistics so you can focus on what you do best—creating beautiful bridal looks.

Instagram Tips for Makeup Artists: Batch Create Your Content

If you’re struggling to find inspiration for Instagram, batch recording is a game changer. Set aside a day where you’ll already be doing your hair or makeup, and record multiple reels in one session. Change your shirt or switch up the lighting to create different looks, and you’ll have content for days!

Here are a few simple content ideas for makeup artists:

  • Share your bridal makeup kit essentials.
  • Show the before and after of a bridal trial.
  • Demonstrate how you create a specific bridal look.
  • Do product comparisons or try-on videos.
  • Share tips for brides to help them prepare for their big day.

Batch content creation saves time and helps you stay consistent with posting, which is key to building your personal brand.

Branding Your Bridal Makeup Business

Your personal brand is how people perceive you and your work. Whether you specialize in natural glam or dramatic bridal looks, your “handwriting” will come through in every look you create. By consistently showing up online and producing work that reflects your artistry, you’ll attract brides who resonate with your style.

Building a bridal makeup business is about more than just offering services—it’s about creating a brand that speaks to your ideal bride and sets you apart from other artists. Whether you offer a signature bridal makeup look or have a diverse portfolio, your style and presence will attract the right clients.


More from Anna:

FREE TRIAL | The Total Beauty Planner | Organize your bridal makeup consults, clients, and appointment details: Total Beauty Planner

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