The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

How to Network with Wedding Vendors and Build Your Brand as a Bridal Makeup Artist (ft. Shay Ramsee)

Bridal makeup artist networking with wedding vendors at a styled shoot.

April 24, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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Listener Question:

How can I create more authority in the bridal makeup industry? I have VIP clients, but I’m not great at networking and want to get invited to industry events.

Instead of asking another makeup artist about networking, we’re going straight to the source with Luxury Wedding Planner, Shay Ramsee.

In today’s episode, we’re talking all about networking for makeup artists:

  • How to make connections! Connecting with other wedding vendors, potential clients, and yourself.
  • How to network if you’re shy or the thought of face-to-face events makes you nervous.
  • Working on styled bridal shoots.
  • Things you can do to establish authority as a bridal makeup artist and grow your brand.

If you’ve been struggling to find a seat at the table in the bridal industry, this episode is for you! 💕

Shay has been planning beautiful, love-filled luxury weddings for the past 10 years and recently founded the Wedding Insider Society for wedding creatives to share their stories and feel more confident as business owners. She also has a free Facebook group with a webinar on Facebook Ads that you won’t want to miss!

What is Networking for Makeup Artists? (According to Shay)

Networking for makeup artists is about expanding your knowledge and your circle. You can learn from everyone you interact with, so be a sponge and absorb all that information. As a wedding planner, Shay has insights into all the vendor roles, but she’s not an expert in each, so learning from others is key.

For bridal makeup artists, networking is not just about collecting contacts but about learning from each other, working together, and creating mutual benefits in the wedding industry.

How Can a Shy Makeup Artist Network?

Not everyone loves face-to-face networking. Here’s what Shay suggests:

  • Find your comfort zone. If in-person events make you nervous, plan a styled shoot and connect with vendors through creative projects.

  • Use social media. Connect through Facebook groups or send voice notes on Instagram. Building relationships online can feel less intimidating.

  • Be authentic. Engage with potential collaborators by liking, commenting, and sharing their content. Let relationships grow organically.

Getting Invited to Styled Wedding Shoots

Can’t get an invite? Create your own!

Come up with a vision for a styled shoot and invite vendors to collaborate with you. It’s okay to hear “no”—it’s not personal. Remember, sometimes vendors are just too busy, especially during peak wedding season.

Networking for Makeup Artists: Building Vendor Relationships

Building relationships with other wedding vendors is crucial for any makeup artist looking to grow their business. Networking with wedding vendors can lead to more referrals and opportunities. Here’s how to make it work:

  • Attend networking events.

  • Offer your services to vendors so they can experience your work firsthand.

  • Don’t rush the relationship; build it over time.

How Can Makeup Artists Get on Preferred Vendor Lists?

A preferred vendor list is a list of trusted vendors that planners and venues recommend to brides. If you want to get on those lists:

  • Do excellent work consistently.

  • Be professional, courteous, and reliable.

  • Develop relationships with planners and venues through great service and collaboration.

Tips for Online Networking to Get More Bridal Makeup Referrals

When networking with wedding vendors online, keep it personal and authentic. Avoid generic copy-paste messages and make sure your brand aligns with theirs. Always focus on building genuine connections before asking for referrals or collaborations.

Establishing Authority as a Bridal Makeup Artist

To establish yourself as a go-to bridal makeup artist, start building your authority by:

  • Collecting testimonials and reviews from happy clients.

  • Sharing behind-the-scenes clips and transformation videos on social media.

  • Educating your audience with easy makeup tips and product tutorials.

  • Being authentic and transparent. Show both the highs and the learning moments in your career.

Final Tips for Makeup Artists on Networking and Branding

When it comes to networking for makeup artists, the key is authenticity, patience, and consistency. Don’t wait to be invited—create your own opportunities, and always be open to learning from others. Building a bridal makeup business takes time, but networking with the right wedding vendors can open doors and lead to incredible opportunities.


Organize your bridal makeup consults, clients, and appointment details: Total Beauty Planner App

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