The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

How to Discover Your Makeup Niche, Find Your Ideal Client and Book More Brides

jasmine jones systems and processes coach for bridal makeup artist

April 24, 2024

I’m Neelam.
Makeup artist, lash tech, podcaster, app co-founder, and serial organizer dedicated to helping women live life on their own terms.
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Are you ready to take your bridal makeup business to the next level by discovering your makeup niche and finding your dream brides? In this episode, we sat down with Jasmine from @BeautyAndTheNetwork, and let me tell you—she’s got some incredible advice on how to grow your clientele, even if you’re just starting out.

Whether you’re fresh out of beauty school or moving to a new city to rebuild your business, Jasmine has the tips and tricks you need to book more brides and set yourself apart in the competitive beauty industry. We also got deep into the benefits of niching down, why finding your ideal client is essential, and how this will make your beauty branding and marketing so much easier.

How to find your ideal bride and book more clients

Getting Started: Growing Your Makeup Clients in Beauty School or After Graduation

It might feel like a challenge to grow your client base while you’re still in school or just getting started, but trust me—there are so many ways to build your portfolio! Jasmine shared some brilliant ideas to get you going:

  • Business Cards: Think of them like a trail of glitter ✨—leave them at gyms, coffee shops, and anywhere your ideal bride might be hanging out.

  • Volunteer: Offer your services at fashion shows, school events, or anywhere you can get your hands on a makeup brush. Get those photos for your portfolio!

  • Online Listings: Facebook groups, Kijiji, and Craigslist can be goldmines for finding models. Even if you’re working for free at first, you’re building experience and creating a portfolio.

  • Strategic Freebies: The bridesmaid you did makeup for free could turn into your next big referral—don’t underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing!

Kickstarting Your Bridal Hair and Makeup Career

Once you’ve got a few makeup jobs under your belt, how do you really kick off your bridal business? Jasmine’s advice: invest in yourself and build your network.

  • Freelancing for Others: Get experience by freelancing for bridal businesses. It’ll boost your confidence and help you see how the pros do it.

  • Education is Key: Take social media courses to learn how to leverage Instagram, Pinterest, and SEO. Knowing how to use these tools will get you in front of your ideal clients.

  • Show Up Consistently: Promote yourself in wedding Facebook groups, post regularly on Instagram, and keep your website updated.

  • Network at Events: Hand out those business cards at wedding industry networking events and collaborate on styled shoots. But don’t just drop your card and walk away—nurture those relationships!

Moving to a New City? Here’s How to Build Your Bridal Makeup Business from Scratch

Starting over in a new city can be overwhelming, but Jasmine’s got the perfect plan to get you going before you even unpack your makeup kit! 💼

  • Network Before the Move: Connect with wedding vendors—planners, photographers, florists—well before you move. Send thoughtful notes or small goodies to introduce yourself.

  • Holiday Marketing Ideas: Jasmine teamed up with a baker and photographer to create little gift bags for people walking downtown—what a fun way to get your name out there! You can also drop off flower bouquets with a simple label, “Happy Valentine’s Day from @yourhandle,” at bridal boutiques or local spots where your ideal bride hangs out. 🌸

The Importance of Finding Your Ideal Bridal Client

One of the biggest keys to success? Knowing who your ideal bride is and where she’s spending her time. 🌟 For Jasmine, her brides are natural, low-maintenance women who don’t wear makeup regularly but want to feel like the best version of themselves on their big day.

Knowing this helps Jasmine decide where to market herself—her brides are more likely to be doing yoga or working as teachers, lawyers, or nurses, rather than buying luxury skincare. She uses this knowledge to create targeted marketing that speaks directly to them.

  • Offer Something Special: Jasmine often offers discounted makeup sessions to teachers, knowing that one of those teachers will eventually get engaged. She drops off chocolates and coupons at local schools, and the results have been amazing!

Why You Need an Ideal Client for Your Bridal Business

Here’s why defining your ideal client is so important—it helps you shape your entire business. From your marketing messages to the way you design your website, when you speak directly to your dream bride, you attract more of the clients you love to work with. 💖

For example, if your ideal bride is all about a natural, no-makeup look, your website should clearly reflect that. A message like:

“Have you ever felt like the makeup artist wasn’t really listening to what you wanted, leaving you with a look that didn’t feel like YOU? We specialize in creating a customized, authentic bridal look that enhances your natural beauty.”

This speaks directly to the bride who wants a natural look and will make her feel like you understand her needs. And don’t worry—niching down won’t limit you. Brides who resonate with your style will still come to you for different looks. Plus, once you know who lights you up, your content creation, client booking, and marketing will feel so much easier!

Ready to Start Attracting Your Ideal Brides?

If you’re not sure who your ideal bride is yet, ask yourself:

  • Who do you vibe with?

  • Who do you want to attract more of?

  • Who’s not going to drain your energy?

Finding your niche is the key to marketing your beauty business without feeling like you’re shouting into the void. And once you have a clear picture of your dream client, booking more brides will become so much easier.


More of Jasmine:

Organize your bridal makeup consults, clients, and appointment details with the Total Beauty Planner App.

Continue the conversation in the Bridal Beauty Business Facebook Group.

Audio Bookmarks:

04:35 – How to Build Your Portfolio in Beauty School
08:12 – Niching Down: Why Finding Your Ideal Client is Key
12:45 – Building Your Bridal Business in a New City
15:30 – The Power of Networking and Nurturing Relationships
20:12 – Creating Targeted Marketing for Your Ideal Bride
25:58 – Why Defining Your Niche Will Help You Book More Brides

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The Bridal Beauty Business Podcast

Tired of one line messages asking “what do you charge?” Forget competing on price, it’s time to niche down and know your worth. This podcast was created for you, to help you grow your bridal business so you can get the clients you WANT, do the work you LOVE and charge the rates you DESERVE!

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